Category: Sides


Crispy Roasted Frozen Cauliflower

crispy roasted frozen cauliflower

Roasting frozen cauliflower might seem like an unconventional approach, but it’s actually a clever culinary maneuver with several compelling reasons behind it. For example, frozen cauliflower is readily available year-round and requires no prep work, such as washing, checking, or chopping, saving you time and effort in the kitchen—especially on a busy Friday. Then too, …

Good for You, Healthy, Parve, Sides

Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Onion Chunks with Rosemary

sweet potatoes with rosemary and onions

Sweet potatoes are great for those times you need a nice veggie side dish, but you’ve kind of got vegetable fatigue. There are only so many vegetables, and only so many ways to prepare them. But sweet potaoes are delicious no matter how you prepare them. The rosemary sprigs elevate this dish to star status. …