Now that Sukkot is over, we can eat chocolate desserts without them melting all over us in the sukkah in the heat of the midday sun. And having just cooked for a crowd seemingly without end for months, we want something easy. These dense and fudgy Nutty Buddy Bars are the perfect solution. They’re so …
Hearty Autumn Fare: Tamale Pie
The High Holidays are sadly over and now we must hunker down as we usher in cooler weather. The chill in the air means heartier fare is in order. A casserole that is a brighter take on shepherd’s or cottage pie is a winner in our home. It fills. It gets better and better each …
Flourless Chocolate Torte with Coconut Ganache (Dairy or Parve)
A bunch of us are following a low-carb high fat diet. But not all of us. Which makes it difficult to find dishes that satisfy one and all. A recent birthday party called for some sort of cake and this was the inspired result: a flourless chocolate torte made with 85% chocolate, topped with a …
Something to Freeze: Banana Chocolate Chip Cake
At holiday time, it’s good to have a full freezer. A nice alternative to honey cake is banana cake. It’s easy to prepare several loaves at one time. They keep well at room temperature, wrapped well, and even longer if you freeze them. They have the same gooey top as honey cake, but are more …
Moroccan Fish
When Rosh Hashana nears, a cook’s fancy turns lightly to fish. After all, it’s one of the symbolic foods we eat at holiday time. One extremely addictive way to prepare and eat fish is that ubiquitous dish served in Moroccan Jewish homes every Friday night. They call it simply “fish” and everyone else calls it …
Classic Brisket to Freeze
With Rosh Hashana around the corner, canny chefs prepare dishes that can freeze to relieve some of the pressure of cooking for so many festive meals for so many people. Meat freezes very well, so it’s a good choice for this purpose. And while some people like fancy shmancy food at the holidays, others are …
Caramelized Shallots: A Good Start
The first thing I do, each and every Friday morning, is peel 2 pounds of shallots, chop them finely in the food processor, and then start them caramelizing in a skillet in lots of quality oil. The caramelization process occurs as a result of the natural sugars in shallots. Just as sugar will turn brown …
Versatile Chimichurri Sauce
Chimichurri sauce, a sauce used in Argentina and Uruguay that is popular in Israeli eateries, is amazing stuff. You can use it as an amazing marinade for chicken, or as a sauce to pump up the flavor of grilled meats. You can mix it with tehina for an awesome salad dressing. Heck—you could probably eat …
Lazy Summer Gazpacho
It’s summer, it’s hot, and you feel too lazy to cook. Not to mention, who wants hot food when it’s HOT? This gazpacho is the perfect answer. It gets better with age, and makes a great pick-me-up when you want a snack or you don’t feel like having a full meal. If you aren’t averse …
Recipe: Chocolate Mint Mousse Pie
In summer, our thoughts turn to lighter, cooler desserts. These just hit the spot so nicely after a great Shabbos meal. My family loved this chocolate mint mousse pie I whipped up Friday morning. The downside? It took up precious space in my fridge. That problem was quickly eliminated as my family devoured the pie …