Category: Main courses

Easy, Main courses, Parve, Technique

Baked Potatoes with Baked Beans

baked potato with baked beans

A simple baked potato, topped with baked beans to make it a complete protein, sounds amazing after all the heavy holiday fare of the past two months. These days, we are craving something without meat, something unfussy and plain. And while Britain is not known for its culinary prowess, there’s something appealing about this humble …

Main courses, Rosh Hashana, Shabbos

Chicken with Honey, Lemon, and Mustard Glaze

Honey lemon mustard chicken

Looking for a simple main course for your holiday table? Look no further than this sweet and savory chicken dish that requires no special culinary skills to come out perfect, every time you make and serve it. It’s sweet enough to qualify as a Rosh Hashanah main while savory enough to please those who don’t …

Main courses, Rosh Hashana, Sephardi, Sukkot

Moroccan Chicken Tagine with Preserved Lemon and Olives

chicken tagine with preserved lemon and olives

Israel may be the land of citrus fruits, but friends tell us that lemons disappear from most supermarkets at this time of year, through the end of the Jewish High Holidays. The good news is that preserved lemons are even more delicious than regular lemons and every canny Israeli housewife has a jar or two …