Category: Healthy

Easy, Healthy, Israeli food, Main courses, Parve, Sephardi

RECIPE: Easy Shakshuka

Shashuka in a black skillet

Shashuka is a full-flavored Mediterranean poached egg dish. You make a quick sauce with tomatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic, with lots of olive oil, of course. Then you poach the eggs right in the skillet, just before serving. Marvelous with good bread to mop up that amazing sauce. You don’t need anything else. Easy Shakshuka …

Good for You, Healthy, Israeli food, Parve, Sephardi

RECIPE: The Best Tehina

Hummus bi tehini Tehina is in the center of a well of hummus

For some people, hummus is da bomb. But in our home, Shabbos is not Shabbos without my special tehina sauce. Which is funny, because I’m Ashkenazi, and tehina is most definitely a Sephardic treat. Somehow, I’ve hit on the perfect rendition that even Sephardi Shabbos guests pronounce the best tehina they’ve ever tasted. It makes …

Ashkenazi, Easy, Good for You, Healthy, LCHF, Parve

RECIPE: Cauliflower Kugel for Dummies

Cauliflower kugel

Remember that series of books? Windows for Dummies, and etc.? Someone needs to do that for cooking, especially since we just came out of Shabbos followed by a two-day holiday. Cooking for 3 days?? On top of work and caring for children????? Yikes. So yeah. We need a break from all that cooking. We’re BURNT. …

Good for You, Healthy, Israeli food, Main courses

Make That Burger Rare, Please

Sliced steak, medium rare, fanned out on white plate with a pile of chopped parsley, as garnish

Israel is gearing up for a country-wide barbecue, come this Thursday, Israel’s 70th Independence Day. The truth is, Israelis like to barbecue any time, but Independence Day absolutely demands getting out the grill. A new article from Israel21C tells us that we should avoid cooking our burgers and steaks well done, as it can lead …