Healthy, Israeli food, Obscure

Hilbeh: A Familiar Yet Unfamiliar Condiment

Botanically accurate drawing of fenugreek

Hilbeh is a condiment that is, by tradition, served with Yemenite Meat Soup. There are a few different types of Hilbeh. Here is a video of the basic, whipped Hilbeh, a kind of light foam, reminiscent of not-quite-set whipped Jello, but with a piquant green flavor that adds new layers of flavor to an already …

Good for You, LCHF, Main courses, Shabbos, Soup

RECIPE: Meat Soup: The Yemenite Version of Jewish Penicillin

Yemenite Meat Soup

No Friday night meal is complete without chicken soup. That is, if one is Ashkenazi. And of course, chicken soup is folk medicine, too, having had its healing powers verified by the medical establishment. But not all the Jews went to Eastern Europe, and the Jews who ended up in Yemen, have their own healing …

Easy, LCHF, Main courses, Soup

Quick Chicken and Cabbage Soup

chicken and cabbage soup

Fact: sometimes you want an easy one-dish main course that doesn’t take hours to prepare. And sometimes you’re even lazier than that, and want a recipe that doesn’t call for a gazillion pots, pans, and utensils to clean. This pretty, parsley-flecked soup fits the bill, and it’s delicious to boot. Not to mention that it’s …

Israeli food, Sephardi

Was Shawarma Just Culturally Appropriated by Israel?

Screenshot of Shawarma tweet by @TheMossadIL

The British Independent has an article accusing Israel of the cultural appropriation of Shawarma, using an article in the far-left Israeli newspaper Haaretz as proof. Haaretz called the rotisserie meat sandwich in a pita, “an iconic Israeli street food.” Popular Twitter account @TheMossadIL, on the other hand, points out that fully half of Israel’s population …