Remember that series of books? Windows for Dummies, and etc.? Someone needs to do that for cooking, especially since we just came out of Shabbos followed by a two-day holiday. Cooking for 3 days?? On top of work and caring for children????? Yikes. So yeah. We need a break from all that cooking. We’re BURNT. …
Category: Good for You
Parve Crustless Zucchini Quiche
Many of us are trying to cut carbs from our diets, and so a crustless quiche is a very attractive addition to our kitchen repertoire. For those of us who observe the Jewish dietary laws, this particular quiche is a boon for being parve, or a neutral dish that can be eaten with dairy or …
Make That Burger Rare, Please
Israel is gearing up for a country-wide barbecue, come this Thursday, Israel’s 70th Independence Day. The truth is, Israelis like to barbecue any time, but Independence Day absolutely demands getting out the grill. A new article from Israel21C tells us that we should avoid cooking our burgers and steaks well done, as it can lead …
Cauliflower Tabbouleh: An Old Favorite with a Low Carb Twist
A lot of us are doing low carb diets, because, well, they work. It is difficult giving up all those favorite foods. Which is why it’s fun to find a substitute for a beloved Middle Eastern bulgur wheat salad, tabbouleh, made with raw cauliflower “rice.” We had it at our Purim meal: a perfect “nafochu,” …
Zesty Purim Chickpeas
Boiled chickpeas seasoned with salt and pepper are traditional in the Ashkenazi kitchen for Purim. This custom reminds us that Esther, forced to live in King Ahashuerus’ palace, according to tradition ate nothing but legumes, in order to remain kosher. Chickpeas are fun to eat plain, but why not try a spicier rendition this year, …
Gluten Free Latkes?
Some of us, for whatever reason, be it celiac, because of autoimmune disease, or because it stalls weight loss, prefer to stay away from gluten. That makes Chanuka a bummer. But did you know that potato latkes hold together perfectly well without flour? All you have to do is save that water you squeeze out …
Sardines: Because Maimonides Said So
Dietary supplements can be expensive. So if you’re looking for a natural source of Omega3 fatty acid, an excellent source is sardines. Moreover, no less an authority than Jewish physician par excellence, Maimonides, recommended people eat small saltwater fish, which are—you guessed it—sardines. Eat three cans’ worth of the li’l guys and you’ve gotten your …