Author: Eliyahu Mintz

Ashkenazi, Easy, Shabbos

Eggs and Onion: Chopped Liver Without the Liver

Eggs and onion on a slice of baguette garnished with parsley

We are like every other Jewish home, always looking for a new or interesting forshpeis. Just recently, we remembered eggs and onion, which is basically chopped liver without the liver. You put together some sieved, chopped, or mashed hardboiled egg (however your mom did it), with some raw chopped onion, and some schmaltz to bind …

LCHF, Main courses

Recipe: Low Carb Chili Con Carne with Kohlrabi “Beans”


This awesome chili was concocted while observing a low carb high fat diet, but having developed a fierce hankering for a bowl of chili. Beans are high in carbohydrates, but we had two kohlrabi bulbs sitting in the fridge, waiting for me to become inspired. I peeled and chopped the kohlrabi, threw it into the …

Chanuka, Main courses

Braised Beef Short Ribs with Red Wine Reduction: The Right Sort of Roast for Chanukah

braised beef short ribs with mashed potatoes

Everyone knows about having latkes for Chanukah, how these potato pancakes symbolize the miracle of the oil lasting for 8 days, just long enough to get some more of the right kind of oil to rededicate the Temple in Jerusalem. But there is a further custom among many to eat fatty meat for the same …