Desserts, Shabbos

Recipe: Heimishe Chocolate Applesauce Cake for Winter Afternoons

chocolate bundt cake

Now that winter is really here, our thoughts turn to comfort food to warm both hearts and bellies. This chocolate applesauce cake fits the bill, with or without the luscious chocolate icing. A great cake to snack on during a short winter Shabbat afternoon, or any time at all! Make it parve or milchig, depending …

Desserts, Parve

Lemon Squares for a taste of summer in your mouth

lemon squares and lemon on black background with bowl of powdered sugar

Our Meyer lemon tree produced a bumper crop this year. There was no worrying about having too many of the bright-smelling precious yellow globes. There are never enough lemons in our home and they keep refrigerated for a good long time, besides. Some of them we turned into preserved or pickled lemons, but we naturally …

Ashkenazi, Food Science, Main courses, Shabbos

Cholent: Meal in a Crockpot

Plate of cholent with garnish

Cholent, that rib-sticking Jewish Sabbath stew with its beef, barley, and beans, and overnight cooking, is the central focus of an old joke. A priest complains to a rabbi about his incessant insomnia. The rabbi says, “I have the perfect remedy: cholent. Eat it and you’ll sleep like a baby!” The rabbi gives the priest …

Desserts, Easy, Parve

Recipe: Double Chocolate Brownies

woman cuts double chocolate brownies into squares

Everyone needs a no-fail, moist and fudgy brownie recipe and these fit the bill. Use butter for dairy, margarine for a neutral, pareve, and most decadently chocolate dessert. Double-Chocolate Walnut Brownies Makes 2 dozen. Can be doubled. Ingredients: 1 ¼ cup butter or margarine 1 cup cocoa (not Dutch Process 2 cups sugar 3 eggs …

Desserts, Easy, Parve

Recipe: Nutty Buddy Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars

Now that Sukkot is over, we can eat chocolate desserts without them melting all over us in the sukkah in the heat of the midday sun. And having just cooked for a crowd seemingly without end for months, we want something easy. These dense and fudgy Nutty Buddy Bars are the perfect solution. They’re so …