It’s winter and cold and flu season is upon us. What’s a Jewish person to do? Make soup! Chicken soup, that is. Here’s my rendition: Chicken Soup Ingredients: 1 large, fat chicken 1 turkey neck Salt 3 Tablespoons of white wine vinegar 1 Tablespoon whole peppercorns 1 Bay leaf 1 Tablespoon of dried thyme 2 …
Do’a or Dukkah: Egyptian Nut and Spice Dip
Do’a or Dukkah is a delicious Egyptian nut and spice mixture. Add some olive oil and you’ve got a delectable dip. Now who doesn’t want to find something deliciously different and addictive to put out in front of guests? Not to mention easy to throw together. Doa is a winner. Here’s how you make it: …
Tu B’Shvat White Chocolate Almond Bark
Tu B’Shvat, the Jewish new year of the trees, is today. Here’s an easy treat you can make (and eat) with your kids that celebrates the main star of this Jewish arbor day, the almond. White Chocolate Almond Bark Ingredients: 1 cup almonds (blanched, whole) 16 ounces white chocolate Instructions: Spread almonds in a single …
Gail’s Apricot Bundt Cake
There I was at a Sukkah party, when I mentioned needing apricot nectar for one recipe and being unable to find it for love or money, when a woman said she finds a certain brand, and uses it in a cake she makes regularly, like every single week. I knew right away I wanted that …
REVIEW: Real Life Kosher Cooking
Miriam Pascal’s new cookbook, Real Life Kosher Cooking, published by Artscroll and 20% off right now, is just what the (Jewish) doctor ordered for the winter months, what with the High Holidays and Chanuka a now distant memory. We are no longer under pressure to produce fabulous, labor-intensive meals, except for Shabbos, of course. And …
Gluten Free Latkes?
Some of us, for whatever reason, be it celiac, because of autoimmune disease, or because it stalls weight loss, prefer to stay away from gluten. That makes Chanuka a bummer. But did you know that potato latkes hold together perfectly well without flour? All you have to do is save that water you squeeze out …
Latkes: If they Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix Them
Chanuka is all about latkes, those amazing potato pancakes you serve with sour cream and applesauce, and if you’re an iconoclast, with hot salsa! I’ve always made them the way my mother did, and never required a serious recipe. I began, however, to doubt my latke-making gift when I read a page of tips and …
Olives: The Native Jewish Fruit
With Chanuka coming up, let’s talk olives. They’re one of the seven species of the land of Israel. Noah knew the land was dry when a dove brought an olive branch. The state seal of the State of Israel depicts two olive branches. Olive trees live thousands of years. So yeah: definitely a Jewish food! …
Kugel Yerushalmi
Most people think of dairy noodle kugel or potato kugel when they picture, with their mind’s eye, an image of this sort of Ashkenazi Jewish pudding. In reality, kugel is so much more. One of the most interesting types of kugel, is Kugel Yerushalmi, or Jerusalem Kugel, with its deep brown crusty exterior and dark …
Turn Heavy Cholent Into a Much Lighter Soup!
It’s winter and we’re wanting heavier fare for Shabbos. Still, the thought of hamin or cholent weighing us down is a bit difficult after a summer of salads and cool treats. Lucky for all of us, there’s a wonderful compromise: a second meal soup full of the same yummy cholent things that make you feel …